Рапсовый стол Hoffmann Rapstisch SE-Series

Rapstisch SE, RT-Series

Активные боковые делители рапса HOFFMANN INDUSTRIES®
A set that performs wonders during limited harvesting periods, providing unmatched separation of the rapeseed plants that have grown together with minimal vibration.
Active Rapeseed Side Splitters
Discover and use a world innovation developed by

Rapstisch SE-Series

Cutting width: 5.0 m to 12.0 m
Cutterbar drive: The Pro-Drive planetary gearbox from Schumacher (Germany) ensures ease of operation, reliability and high operating speed.
Central cutting system: The EasyCut II system from Schumacher (Germany) gives an absolutely straight blade travel of up to 2,000 cuts per minute.
Active side dividers: 2 active side dividers (2x2 configuration (2 blades on 2 sides), Schumacher 21x6 high-strength steel strip and 3-mm thick segments with safety reserves are used.
The first series of rapeseed tables that can adapt to the conditions of small-seeded crops, bringing to life the comfortable workflow of a combine harvester and preserving the harvest
Сверхпрочная конструкция рамы рабочего стола последнего поколения PowerForcePRO
Центральная режущая система EasyCut II
This enormous speed is the result of the clever combination of the impressive EasuCut II central cutting system equipped with the Schumacher Pro-Drive planetary gearbox and the speed control system from Hoffmann Industries.
The latest generation of worktable frame design technology
PowerForce PRO
The RT series of rapeseed tables
You get the best of everything

Rapstisch RT-Series

Outstanding speed of up to
2,000 cuts per minute
Рапсовый стол Hoffmann Rapstisch RT-Series
To get the best results, everything has to be done right from the start. That's why all SE-Series rapeseed tables use the latest generation of worktable frame design technology – PowerForce PRO
Proven rapeseed harvesting technology and a new high-performance layout designed specifically for soft flow and exceptional productivity
PowerForce PRO 7 m adapter weight
up to 580 kg
The strength is 28.8% higher than the standard
Thanks to the original construction, additional rigidity and vibration protection is achieved
The lightweight, robust design reduces the load on the header. Larger cross-section tubing is used. The technology eliminates the possibility of bending along the length while working because the main weight is distributed along the cutterbar of the combine harvester).
Working width: 5.0 m to 12.0 m
The Pro-Drive planetary gearbox from Schumacher (Germany) guarantees easy operation, reliability and high working speed.
The EasyCut II system from Schumacher (Germany) gives an absolutely straight blade travel of up to 2,000 cuts per minute.
Active side dividers: 2 standard side dividers
This is what you need
Система привода рапсового стола Hoffmann
Hoffmann Industries® rapeseed table aggregation / compatibility is possible with such combine harvesters as CLAAS, JOHN DEERE, CASE, NEW HOLLAND, AGCO, FIATAGRI LAVERDA, ROSTSELMASH, GOMSELMASH
Consistently perfect balance of the RT-Series
Жатвенная часть рапсового стола Hoffmann
A key role in rapeseed harvesting is
played by drive system that guarantees
Stable harvesting
and fuel savings of your machine
Система PowerForce Standard на рапсовом столе Hoffmann
Адаптер рапсового стола Hoffmann
The development of Hoffmann Industries® cutterbars is
a constant endeavor
to increase efficiency and reliability.
This applies to all components and assemblies
Rapstisch RT-Series rapeseed tables
The rapeseed table
is always in the right position
Thanks to the
PowerForce STANDARD mechanical damage resistance system.
Modular table design ensures quick commissioning,
easy transportation and maintenance of all adapter sections
To ensure that the maximum amount of uninjured grain reaches the combine harvester header, RT models are equipped with a unique and simple ingeniously simple frame design systems
PowerForce STANDARD and Schumacher cutting systems.
This combination makes full use of the capabilities and resources of the adapter
*The manufacturer reserves the right to make design changes to the Product without prior notice to market participants.
Разработка сайта – vmeste.design
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